Friday 23 September 2011

Packages Lost and Never Found

Dear all,  I sat down today and pondered over the lost mails. There were 5 missing in total sent via normal and the packages were long overdue. Possibilities:

1. I have written the addresses wrongly
2. Packages were torn in the process and articles went awry
3. Mister Postman delivered them to the wrong boxes (highly possible as a shopper said she got her package tossed at her gate, likely by her neighbor who received her package in her box and kindly returned it to her)
4. A cat or dog or rat chewed up the packages and left no incriminating evidence whatsoever

It's a stressful time for a newly established business like ours when packages go missing. In other blogshops we see the owners completely passing the ball of responsibility to the buyers, telling them that packages lost ain't their faults. Period. So we said the same in all our blogs. But when reality hits, we could not let the incidents just pass us by. We will re-send. And to those of you whose packages are long overdue, you will receive another at your door. This time via registered mail. At no charge to you. We will take it that an alien from outer space has invaded our "efficient and competent post office" and decided that our packages are too delightful and appealing not to nick them to show to their counterparts. Did we mention "efficient" and "competent"? Did we mention it is a monopoly in this country like no other post offices in the world are? And did we mention that in a monopoly, no matter how "efficacious" and "accomplished" it appears to be, the quality will and can erode over time? With this, we rest our case.

==Please Please Please top up $2.24 for registered parcels if you would like tracking them. You know the drill: we are not responsible for packages lost in the mail sent via normal== xoxo


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